Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dice-K Looks Injured, Sick or, Just "Not Right"

What the hell is going on with the Sox? This weird start keeps getting weirder. Tonight, Matsuzaka didn't look right from the first pitch he threw. He seemed to lack energy. He didn't throw the ball as hard as usual.. His location was terrible. It was as if he couldn't throw any ball normally - period. I've seen Dice-K on other bad nights, and this was worse. There is something going on - My suspicion is even stronger now that his physical state is poor as a result of all the time he put into playing in the WBC. (I mentioned this after his 1st start!) Tonight, Jerry Remy was animated in noticing Dice-K had nothing on his fastball and that NONE of his pitches were working.
So, why the hell was Dice-K even out there? Why hadn't he seen a doctor? Is the telling the truth to John Farrell and Terry Franconca? Are they trying to prod a bit with Dice-K to get the truth? You get a sense there's some unknown factor that'd explain Dice-K's state.
Meanwhile, after one inning with a few hits, the team is down 5 -3 and appear capable of making the Oakland A's look like the Yankees of the late 90s.

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